Why Most People Are Still Struggling with Acne

Acne isn't just a teenage problem; it's a persistent issue that affects a significant portion of the adult population. In fact, research shows that nearly 50% of adult women continue to battle with acne, often with more frustration than during their teenage years. Despite the plethora of skincare products available today, why do so many of us still struggle to keep our skin clear? The answer lies in the ingredients, the products, and the advice we're given.

2 days on Roccoco.

The Hidden Culprit: Pore-Clogging Ingredients

One of the biggest problems in the fight against acne is the lack of awareness around pore-clogging ingredients. Even those who turn to professionals for help aren't always getting the guidance they need.  I certainly didn't which is why I ended up becoming not only an Esthetician but a Cosmetic Chemist.

Unfortunately, many estheticians are either unaware of these hidden offenders or simply don't take the time to thoroughly analyze the products their clients are using. This oversight can sabotage even the most diligent skincare routines.

Many products marketed as "non-comedogenic" or "for acne-prone skin" contain ingredients that are known to clog pores. These ingredients can lurk in everything from moisturizers to makeup, exacerbating the very problem they're supposed to solve. The frustration of using a product that promises clear skin, only to find it causing more breakouts, is all too common.

The Wrong Products for Adult Acne

Adult acne is different from teenage acne. The hormonal fluctuations that contribute to breakouts in adults are different, as is the skin's response to treatments. Despite this, many products on the market are not formulated with adult skin in mind. Instead, they are often too harsh, stripping the skin of its natural oils and causing irritation.

Irritated skin is more prone to breakouts, creating a vicious cycle where the products meant to clear your skin actually make it worse. This harsh approach fails to address the root causes of acne and instead leads to more redness, sensitivity, and, ultimately, more breakouts.

The Missing Ingredients

Another issue is that many products simply don't include the right ingredients needed to effectively treat adult acne. While teenagers may benefit from stronger treatments like benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid, adult skin often requires a more balanced approach. Ingredients like niacinamide, which helps regulate oil production and reduce inflammation, or ceramides, which hydrates the skin without clogging pores, are often missing from acne treatments.

The lack of these beneficial ingredients leaves those struggling with acne with few effective options. Instead, they are often left with products that either do nothing or make their skin worse.

The Solution: A Proper Skin Consultation

Given these challenges, it's clear that tackling adult acne requires more than just picking up the latest trending product. A comprehensive skin consultation is the best way to get to the root of the problem. During a proper consultation, a professional should thoroughly analyze your skin type, your current skincare products, and your lifestyle factors that may be contributing to your acne.

An effective consultation should include a discussion about ingredients and a personalized skincare plan tailored to your specific needs. This kind of targeted approach is far more likely to yield results than the trial-and-error method that so many of us fall into.

Our skin consultations are a 90 minute process of taking a deep dive into all of your products you are using.  Not just a cursory glance.  

Acne is a complex issue, especially for adults. The wrong products, hidden pore-clogging ingredients, and a lack of proper guidance can all contribute to ongoing struggles with breakouts. The answer lies in a personalized approach that considers your unique skin type and needs.

If you're tired of the constant cycle of breakouts and ineffective products, it's time to seek out a professional consultation. By getting expert advice and using the right products for your skin, you can finally start to see the clear skin you've been striving for. Remember, treating acne isn't just about fighting pimples; it's about understanding your skin and giving it what it truly needs.

Book in for an in-depth skin consultation now and finally get clear.


August 23, 2024